"A miracle! Magic! At least for me. Right here on my PC, well, our family's.
Twelve days ago I wrote that I had given up on Google, was fed up with their 'One Account' policy instituted just months ago. Essentially I had lost complete access to three of my other important Google accounts, permanently. One was a strictly business use acct. At least, what I mean is, that no Google or Gmail logon would open those accounts. It would only, and usually automatically, open up my primary Gmail acct. In fact, when I was lucky enough to get a Gmail login screen where it allowed me to enter my other acct name and password, guess what? It opened my primary personal acct. Only. Every time. Automatically! Totally ignoring my entries. And entreaties. And curses.
And I have, no lie, spent the past month in and out of Google and Gmail Help screens and forums to 1) see if anyone else was having this same problem, and 2) find way to fix it. So I described my plight where it made sense to, including Google's forum. After searching, clicking and scrounging, no one else was complaining. A mirage? Or am I a so-called typical man? Doing it wrong over and over again without seeing the solution right in front of me?
The miracle twelve days ago was that when I clicked my Gmail link on my Tool Bar, the old login screen appeared! Yeah! The one which showed me all my acct names, so I could click on any one, enter its unique password and voila! It logged me in successfully to whatever account of mine I wanted.
Ah, there were my average 50 emails; 200 total each day. All visualized in 30 worthwhile minutes. From Energy and IT info subscriptions, a quote from the bible, Baha'i world news feeds, Politico and Brookings and so many other loved ones. I trashed most, only clicking those of interest, and of them, archiving some into one of my 60 file folders for later reference. For example, look forward to a series of blogs about various and bewitching Gallup proclamations on behalf of all Americans, that I've saved.
Problem solved.
Well, we'll see how long it lasts until 'We may add or remove functionalities or features, and we may suspend or stop a Service altogether.' That's Google's right, anytime for any reason. Just check your Agreement with them. It's written in their Terms of Service. I'm sure you have a copy. Clear plain English, as well as '... you give Google the right... a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (etc), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, and distribute [your] content.' These guys have everything and more on NSA capabilities.
Now, if I could just get rid of Google+, 'The Abomination,' and not lose those in my circles, or, better yet, transfer them to FB.
But I'll take a small victory. Very small.
Even tho it is short-lived.
by Rodney Richards
Subscribe or email me at 1950ablia@gmail.com
And please don't forget:
My poetic memoir Episodes available at www.amazon.com/episodes-rodney-richards/dp/0615914705/ Check it out at no obligation
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