Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Who Dares Chain-up the Hand of God?

Who dares chain-up the Hands of God? Only the foolish. Only those who have forgotten their God and forgotten the purpose for which they were created -- to know Him, to love Him, and to serve humankind. And to know Him is to see His Face on every stranger, to care for our loved ones and family and sacrifice what we have - our time, sweat, and material goods -- for their happiness. Which, in turn, pleases our souls and prepares them for Paradise.

I am incensed over Israel's war machine bombing innocent and guilty Gazans alike. How dare Israel? That's what we said when Russia took over Crimea, and now we say nothing? The laws of "might makes right," and "A tooth for a tooth" were abolished by His Holiness Christ almost 2,000 years ago. How can we allow these smaller Hitler's to unleash such violence? Too many Jews are acting exactly like the hypocrites they were in 33 A.D. But this is the new millennium! And how they, of all the people on the earth and the utter suffering they endured, should know and do better! We've learned how to solve disputes without violence, through fairness and compromise. Our hippie mantra in the '60s is still valid today -- "Give peace a chance."

We know we feel better inside and out when we help our neighbor, when we please our boss, when we perform that random act of kindness by escorting a damp woman shopper to her car with our umbrella in the middle of a downpour. But how soon we forget, and ignore others needs and wants -- needs and wants exactly like ours, all of us longing for a place to call home, a decent and fulfilling job, the freedom and security to mingle on city streets without fear of robbery, or rape, or death at the hands of a criminal madman or an irreligious fanatic. Israel thinks that's what they are protecting, but instead they are creating such hate that their utter destruction will not be enough to satisfy it.

Who can begrudge paying taxes for electricity and water, and a home and schools for our children, defense and a civil society?  Do we expect to pay nothing for true liberty? What is freedom but to sit calmly down for breakfast at the diner every morning and be welcomed by the wait staff with a smile and a cup of coffee? Or to browse the aisles at Shop Rite or Acme and feed ourselves and our family from a myriad of food and drink choices? Or to attend Mercer County College in the evenings and learn Business Law to aid in one's profession? Or even to learn Philosophy or Information Processing?

What do we expect? To pay nothing? to have life's benefits handed to us simply because we exist? To be supported by the government when we truly need it here in America, yet starve to death in a poor third-world country? All as an outcome of our happenstance place of birth? What human heart can ignore and overlook such suffering in the world without at least attempting to make life a little easier for their own children, coworkers and friends?

Yet we allow a few megalomanic individuals and war hawks in power to control their country's resources to the extent of only providing for themselves and their elite family and cronies. Who are these people? Are they even human with human hearts? Why haven't they been dethroned and smashed from power, and imprisoned for their crimes against humanity? 

The answers are precisely why we fight war - and the only legitimate reason - to free those under oppression from its yoke of untold suffering. Unnecessary suffering - if only we care enough to act and not debate endlessly what will be politically correct. How can we stand by and let Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine be torn to pieces by an invading force of indoctrinated soldiers and thugs? How can we provide safe haven for conscientious-objectors and defectors from the evils of fanaticism and Communism that have proven, over and over again, utterly deficient in the Middle East, Russia, China or in any country? We have the U.N. Peacekeeping Force, now weakened by effete isolationists and lack of funds, that has the expertise and program experience, as shown in Desert Storm and Kosovo, to set right these outrageous incursions and civil wars, to draw new borders if necessary and bring stability and peace to the regions. We have the International Criminal Court to hang these monsters and send them out of our world forever as the Iraqi government did with Saddam Hussein. 

Such institutions are the new Hands of God in our lifetimes if we would just reach out and grasp them.

And to those who say this New World Order doesn't work, will never work, and that national sovereignty at all costs is the solution to this modern world's civil, social and economic problems, I say again -- how foolish of you. How ignorant of true reality. How close-minded and close-hearted to the potential of a truly unified humanity.

No person, no organization, no people, no country can thwart the divine Purpose, the divine Will. And the divine Purpose is surely for His creatures to exist and live on a peaceful and unified planet. 

How can it possibly be otherwise?  

Best, Rod
Copyright 2014 

Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
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