Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Joy of Nationalism

The human race developed for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of years from family, tribe, village(s), city-state(s), and nation(s). I don't think this is disputed. Some would hold that we did all this in the last 10,000 years, but I disagree, knowing we have and may uncover advanced civilizations much older. Ancient. It just means they're harder to find - all traces have disappeared.

The point is that colonialism, national boundaries and independence revolts, are almost done. Now we have 'civil unrest' - for some reasonable reasons (corruption, voting fraud, not helping economy etc.). Mankind wants better. It's 2013. We deserve better - technologies prove we should have it, it's possible. So to all intents, nation-building has come to an end. Witness the model for stopping aggression -- the Gulf War, '90-'91. 

"Beginning with the policing of agreements worked out between hostile states, the principle  of collective action, defence of peace between nations, gradually took on the form of military interventions such as that of the Gulf War, in which compliance with Security Council resolutions was imposed by force on aggressor factions and states." (Source: UHJ, Century of Light) True collective security was born. (Actually in WWI and II) Another example being NATO in Europe.

So as I listen to China's unreasonable dictums concerning owning certain areas of the seas and islands in the China Sea, I can't help but laugh. 

Sorry guys, to you and any country that tries to expand their territory into international waters, or into boundaries firmly established by history or precedent. No, the resources of the earth now belong to all its peoples, like the movement of oil around the world, or any natural resource. The same goes to the Arctic and Russia's spurious claims. Too late. You established your boundaries decades ago, like China and all other countries (or new ones like Miramar).

This is why the world needs International Courts. To arbitrate these kinds of disputes peacefully, diplomatically, based on existing and new laws needed.

No, as much as I admire America's stance in the Chinese/Japanese dispute, by flying two jets thru that air space, you're missing the point. Really now, it's 2013. 

Wars have long been over. Only civil unrest, skirmishes and terrorism are left, and terrorism is our greatest enemy today.

Let's focus on eliminating real threats, and not making hollow ones.

By Rodney Richards., or subscribe to this blog.
Look for my first book on and Amazon by the end of next week.

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