I'm proud of my home state New Jersey. The New York Times reported on November 5, 2013 (one day after elections -- and ballot measures), that voters approved an increase to the State's minimum wage (MW) to $8.25 an hour, by 61% to 39%. Since 2009 the Fed MW has been $7.25.The extra bonus in NJ is that the wage will rise with inflation increases annually. I should be so lucky with my our investments! But I'm all in favor of this fair minimum law for mostly unskilled workers. At that rate, if you can find a full-time job at all, it would be $330/wk, or $1,320/mo.
Then take out FICA, NJ income tax, a big maybe for health benes, and others. Doesn't leave much. The cheapest 1-bedroom apartments around here are scarce at $900-1,000/mo. So young people are forced to stay at home by pure economics, unless they share renting a house with 6 other male and female youths like I did thruout '69. The house was so big, there was a '60's Jaguar undergoing body work in the basement. But again, jobs were plentiful then.
In the U.S. it takes one large income or two combined to get started on the American Dream, and today's used car generally starts the dream off. A decent junker costs a thou or three.
That's why consumerism won't save us forever, yet it (based on sales), is the largest American industry by far in my opinion (or is it advertising and lobbying?). Trades then sales have always existed I'd say. I and my family need things. We all need things regardless of our age -- products and services.
But - prices seem to always go up (well, yes & no -- a different blog). The cost of raw materials always go up. Simple reason -- they're getting scarcer. Fossil fuels, elements and minerals, wood, water, and now with climate change -- fresh air to overcome smog like Bejing's. So the consumers' ride is coming to an end until we Preserve, Reserve, Replenish (what we can, like trees), and Conserve at all times. That's the "things" we already have and what we buy. We're just changing one material to another -- we don't create. When its gone . . . well. We are losing rapidly and not replenishing.
After decades of warnings, we're turning to renewable energy for example. In 2003 I went to a federal DEP banquet in Washington D.C. to receive an award for New Jersey's purchase of wind energy. Certified Green-e. at that time one of three highest states in the country doing so.There's hope. It's become a bandwagon now, with Jersey's current RPS standard of 20.38% Class I and Class II renewables by energy year 2020-2021 + 4.1% solar-electric by energy year 2027-2028. (Source: DSIRE). Energy articles aren't lyin' -- this means jobs as well as continued semi-comfortable lives going forward.
We can make a difference, and are doing so. Millions of people are helping. I'm counting you and I as helpers also.
By Rodney Richards copyright 2013. Subscribe to this blog or leave me comments at 1950ablia@gmail.com
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