Saturday, June 28, 2014

No wonder law-breakers recidivate

I've been going to classes on Mindfulness and Self-awareness and have discovered one part of human nature is all about "getting what one wants" - survival yes, all the way up to the American dream - but even more than that. Much more. But when unfortunately some of us are raised without a healthy normal childhood, or without one or both caring parents, or no modicum of prosperity, or with a lack of individualized education and value-based character development, how can anyone be surprised that prison is not a permanent deterrent to criminality?

I was just sittin on my front porch enjoyin my Salem watching the eastern sunrise and listening to the chirps around me and thought (again), How lucky am I? Yet I had a "normal' loving, care-providing childhood and youth and still ended up as a juvenile delinquent, at the wrong places at the wrong times (in other words I was caught), performin willful and wrongful, illegal, acts. So off to jails (twice) for weeks, and inside the 8x8 concrete cell, OH! How I'd do anything to avoid returning to this freedom killin place! Yet I did return. for me, it was not need of money or love or family and friends, it was from boredom and being left to my own devices. And my tan desert boots. Always got into trouble when I wore those suckers!

But imagine when you have little or nothing to sustain you in this life, in this Land of the Free, this amazing country where anyone can supposedly become a millionaire or even President? That helplessness and hopelessness kills the soul and all caring for others. Just kills it. No wonder I hung with some bad people and got into trouble, and always due to my poor choices. Not caring about getting caught and losing my precious "freedom."

Precious freedom when you have a dead soul? Enjoyin' a smoke outside on your front porch becomes a chimera, a mirage. I could enjoy a smoke in "the Yard" just as easily, have a bed and shelter, a book and three squares. And I've tasted solitary confinement although ill at the time, so I know that as well - and still, for all that, if it HADN'T been for my loving wife Janet, and loving family and friends, and a job, I would've done something bad or worse again and ended up staying in jail even longer, and then out and returning, over and over again.

Americans deserve, and many earn, better lives, with a prosperous family, skills and technical training like my shop class in Ewing High in 1967, and later some college education. I was able to start a new path, a new track, to happiness, true contentment and and real freedom from want.

How about you? What turned your psyche and personality toward a good path?

Best, Rod
Copyright 2014 

Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
My poetic memoir Episodes available at   
Email subscribe to my Blog at the bottom of this page or subscribe thru NetVibes (see right side). Both free of course, thanks to Blogger by Microsoft...

Friday, June 27, 2014

SO very special Olympian smiles . . .

What does it cost you to smile at a stranger? We smile automatically when seeing someone we know, even if just an acquaintance, or another customer like the hurried white-haired lady, or George the retired mailman I see almost every morning at Broad Street Diner? You know what that costs, nothing. A slight upswing of the corners of your mouth and an inner smile as well. It costs nothing, and look at all the faces and hearts your smile opens!

That's what I knew for sure in the bright sunshine the morning of June 14th on the gorgeous Rider University campus welcoming the busloads of Special Olympics athletes from Tennessee, Missouri, Florida, Wisconsin and other states! Fun? Fun? You want fun and excitement? Undescribable fun and joy was in New Jersey just for us and you, all weeklong. Looking into smiles and toothy grins of open hearts and pure souls, their families and friends, and like us, admirers, was/is a unique memory that I'm positive I will repeat next June.

Weeks previously I was just like 99% of other people passing on the sidewalks or in retail stores and coffee shops. Stoic. Chisel face and mouth, not a frown, but not inviting. And I came to realize I hated it. Hated it! Why not be friendly and open? I know 99.5% of Americans are great friendly giving people. Whether my own local Hamiltonians or the teeming masses on Broadway when I visit my son Jesse's family in Manhattan monthly. All just waiting for a little joy in their lives! 
No different than I. And a smile -- costs nothing. How nice to get a glance or look and a nod, smile or wave just for being me. How much more so for all mankind.

Smiling and bringing joy is a guaranteed path to personal happiness, and i tested this theory a moth earlier at the Friends of the library Book Sale. I'm justr one volunteer there, and i help in the warehouse of stacked books, maintaining order on the Literature shelves, and sending out Book Sale notices to the hardcopy and online papers a few weeks before. 

I don't consider myself a bad guy, average I would say, and friendly enuff. So there I sat at the Cash Sales table with co-worker and friend Paris Monday morning May 19th, reading short stories by one of my favorite author's Edgar Allan Poe. With my smile buried under my concentration. 

But I was so surprised and happy after reading the last exciting and positive lines of The Pit and the Pendulum, that a thought flashed, "What will happen if I go out of my way to smaile and chat with our check-out customers?' 

So the next ones received my sincere smile and a few kind words, "Did you find what you were looking for?' And her face and mouth and smile opened like the sun at noonday! And another smile and "Thanks" after I said, 'Thanks for comin' by today!" And then I switched up the basic greeting and thanks for the next minutes until I had counted 12 successful returned smiles and kind words back, chatty words, as if we were long lost friends! I even paused and recorded my 12 observations in my green-covered book, now left at Princeton House where I "visited" not 5 days later.

My short experiment in smiling ramifications had been a resounding success!

Needless to say, this is no longer an "experiment." No, it's my confirmed path to meeting lovely wonderful diverse peiople of all ages, backgrounds, experiences and knowledges.
And now I understood and had assimilated what Janet had always told be: "Be nice Rod, be nice."

Cementing what she's said innumerable times over the years to me and to her students as a life-guide: "You'll attract more bees with honey than with vinegar."

Best, Rod
Copyright 2014 

Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
My poetic memoir Episodes available at   
Email subscribe to my Blog at the bottom of this page or subscribe thru NetVibes (see right side). Both free of course, thanks to Blogger by Microsoft...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Start Your New Jersey Business for 300 Bucks!

Rod's intro: You start your business, non-profit, profit whatever, in the state in which you live. I live in Jersey and have started RR Energy & IT Consulting LLC in 2009 after retiring from a NJ State career, and dissolved it after spending a thou or three in 2013 at a cost of $100, online. Everything is done online, easy, no mess, just fill in the blanks and pay the $250 one time charge with a credit card. Then I began my writing business, ABLiA Media Co LLC for A Blessed life in America, the theme in all my memoiric writings. Online, simple. But first, pick a company name and get your Federal ID (FEIN) free from the IRS. You can do that online also, (and get a hardcopy from them when done, by fax). One other thing, also register your company name with the county clerk of the county the physical address of your company is, in my case, Mercer. Cost $50 OTC. And you're done - the easy part! Now comes the hard part - making a profit! Follow the steps below, and talk to your friends who have business or employment savvy. Oh, and have the savings to support yourself with few sales for the next 2-3 years. Good Luck!

"10 Steps to Starting a U.S. Business [in this case, New Jersey]

Starting a business involves planning, making key financial decisions and completing a series of legal activities. These 10 easy steps can help you plan, prepare and manage your business. 

Step 1: Write a Business Plan

Use these tools and resources to create a business plan. This written guide will help you map out how you will start and run your business successfully.

Step 2: Get Business Assistance and Training

Take advantage of free training and counseling services, from preparing a business plan and securing financing, to expanding or relocating a business.

Step 3: Choose a Business Location

Get advice on how to select a customer-friendly location and comply with zoning laws.

Step 4: Finance Your Business

Find government backed loans, venture capital and research grants to help you get started.

Step 5: Determine the Legal Structure of Your Business

Decide which form of ownership is best for you: sole proprietorship, partnership, Limited Liability Company (LLC), corporation, S corporation, nonprofit or cooperative.

Step 6: Register a Business Name ("Doing Business As")

Register your business name with your state government.

Step 7: Get a Tax Identification Number

Learn which tax identification number you'll need to obtain from the IRS and your state revenue agency.

Step 8: Register for State and Local Taxes

Register with your state to obtain a tax identification number, workers' compensation, unemployment and disability insurance.

Step 9: Obtain Business Licenses and Permits

Get a list of federal, state and local licenses and permits required for your business.

Step 10: Understand Employer Responsibilities

Learn the legal steps you need to take to hire employees.

Startup Resources

There are a number of available [federal, state and local] programs to assist startups, micro businesses, and underserved or disadvantaged groups. The following resources provide information to help specialized audiences start their own businesses.

 Environmentally-Friendly "Green" Business

 Home-Based Business

Online Business

Self Employment

 Minority Owned Business

 Veteran Owned Business

 Woman Owned Business

You can save money when starting or expanding your business by using government surplus. From commercial real estate and cars, to furniture, computers and office equipment, find what you need for your business in one place." Source: Small Business Administration

More from Rod: In New Jersey:

Go to or etc for the state you live in. Click the top tab for "Business" and then click "Business Checklist" (re: NJ requirements), and your on to a good start!

Make sure you also then click "RFP Watch" and sign up to receive RFPs and bids for jobs that might relate to offering your services and products. I've dione this for years, and even tho I haven't submitted a bid yet, I've learned a hell of a lot just reading the requirements for what's needed to submit a state bid. Forewarned is forearmed I like to say.

The best business advice I can give you? "Be prepared" just like the Boy Scouts. Surprise and uncertainty will kill anything.

Best, Rod
Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
My poetic memoir Episodes available at   
Email subscribe to my Blog at the bottom of this page or subscribe thru NetVibes (see right side). Both free of course, thanks to Blogger by Microsoft...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Rod's Review of 2014 Movie "Noah"

Essay on Movie Noah 4-26-14 (Helps if you've seen it.)

Best religion movie I've seen since "The Robe" starring Richard Burton as the evil centurion, or "Ben Hur" starring Charlton Heston as the invincible slave, or "The Greatest Story Ever Told" (also with Charlton Heston), and Max von Sydow as Jesus; that is, portraying Jesus. Portraying is the key word in all these films, since seeing them decades ago they were so well done they were believable, hence also changing Bible stories just like 2014's "Noah." We tend strongly to believe what we see, and movies are even more unforgettable than words for most of us, since we (most of us) haven't read the "Book" word-for-word. Especially these days. Well don't believe that either. The universal themes of God (the God within us, or "Good"), triumphing over Evil still rings true and always will.

The movie explains how early man after Adam and Eve became evil, from Cain and his "bad" descendents as differentiated from the  good line from Seth, to ten generations later with Methusaleh still alive, (said to be 900 years old in the Bible), Noah's grandfather, onto Noah's visions. The story of His acceptance the knowledge of the deluge and His defined Mission as a divine Manifestation of God on earth. I thought this blood line of the manifestations was symbolized by the eerieily glowing snakeskin that plays a prominent role as reminder of His inheritance. His Mandate to save two of all living creatures in the first parts of the movie, so well done with today's incredible special Fx.  I could see where the snakeskin symbolized genes being passed along in the blood. 

The evil Rock Creatures, later we find out, actually fallen angels. Ultimately are convinced by Noah's please and sincerity as to the veracity of what he's saying about saving the planet, and they completely accede to Him. A key element in understanding how on earth one man and His small family could build a gigantic Ark 300 cubits long by 50 cubits high by 300 wide. Each cubit estimated to be 20".  So the Rock Men who'd also gotten corrupt and had misjudged their true mission (to build goodness), ended up (after a change in heart),  helping to build it.  

Power hungry mankind (symbolized by evil soldier men only) had obeyed their mantra to "Build in God's (false) Image!" for generations, and so dominated all creatures and the earth, and built an industrial polluting civilization threatening the world's destruction. (Sound familiar to today yet?) This age-old scenario indicative of 'Abdu'l-Baha'is quotation that there have been ancient civilizations just as great but we've lost all traces of them, which keeps with the theme of the Flood destroying all.... 

And his son Ham leaves, the desires and wants of an earthly attachment heart after feeling temptation of girl he saved form bad men's camp, from their corpse pit. How Noah had gone sometime before, wandered thru camp, saw hundreds of people behind fences, enslaved by the evil dictator, and making warriors and swords and pikes and their cannons emitting shooting fireworks to kill stone men (all men?).  How Noah found him and girl heading back, she trapped by a human/animal steel trap, Ham trying to save her, Noah shouts leave and Ham does thinking Noah will save her, but He turns His back as crowds of desperate people overwhelm Him. Knowing, knowing, Men bring this evil upon themselves.

How Janet said this yesterday to me as chief motive for "Man's" evils (thinking we are "God"). How Noah saw/"interpreted" God's last signs, how a spring of water flowing from Metheusalah's "seed" (get it?) had circled the earth's mass, attracting all animals in pairs to its source, water growing the forest for wood, how the ark was for them.  In the later part Noah misinterprets his mission, in which he thinks God Wants ALL Mankind To Die, even His offspring (epitomized by almost murdering Lla's twins, a boy and girl, (symbolic again of Adam & Eve).

How could any human think God wants us to die without recognizing Him first? How can we think that God causes evil to befall us, or accidents to cause our loved ones deaths from the Titanics and tornadoes and drunk drivers?

The sign as the rain stopped at same time finding out Emma Watson is pregnant (yeah, they had pregnancy tests back then, why not?), because it finally dawned on Him about God's everlasting love for mankind, and He looked upon those pure tiny beings and knew His love, what God really wanted. Life. A life without evil.

How he finally sees final sign rainbow and glowing shooting as last sign he found truth finally, and to go back to his wife and family from drunkenness and nakedness (symbolism), and Ham leaves all behind…to start and populate a new world? A metaphor for homosexuality's Great Frustration, not having children? And the new garden of paradise planted by Jennifer Connolly brings Noah back to the human plane?

The upshot? Like all the movies about the Messengers of God, whether the Son Christ, or Noah or even the Apostle Muhammad, undepicted in Muhammed the Messenger of God starring Anthony Quinn as His right hand man Hamza, that I saw so very long ago in 1976. All Are essentially God in men's clothing, yet not God, a station unique unto Themselves, far from Man's inner desires and in touch with God's Plan. They have their own mortal yet immortsal desires, which I think resolves itself into one Mission: Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Men.

Just an opinion. 

PS. The cast, as in so many movies these days, was perfect.

Best, Rod
Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
My poetic memoir Episodes available at   
Check it out at no obligation or Subscribe to this Blog (at bottom of this page) or thru NetVibes (see right side). Both free of course, thanks to Blogger by Microsoft...

Sunday, June 15, 2014

What's It Take to Make a Great Neighborhood?

Only you, baby, only you. 
Ah well that's not quite true. It helps a lot to have a few other good-hearted neighbor acquaintences/friends. I mean really, we're so lucky to have good neighbors in all colors. I'm thinking of Chris & Anthony and their three kids, who we've practically known from their births, and all the Halloweens they came to our door. Not even frightened by Janet's macrame skeleton Sam hanging outside. 

Or Anthony next door (another Anthony) who cuts some of my front lawn when he cuts his, saving me a few passes in time and effort. Or when I asked the first Anthony to help me build my steps in the back patio and he did, readily and quickly. Or the walkers every dawn and thruout the days and nites, a wave and hello here and mine back, knowing each other by sight and/or name, like the tall blonde walking her dogs past my house often. Marianne, who gave me a ride home when I was stranded years ago at a funeral service of a fellow coworker in Pennsylvania. 

Oh, yeah, you need you and a few good neighbors, like Allstate. 

Living in Trenton's Burg as a kid, goin' to the exciting food and smells of Italian vendors on Butler Street and its Festival of Lights --  parading a stature of the blue-caped Blessed Mother thru the streets in pomp and circumstance. Ah, and the massive fireworks after the procession in Columbus Park! A neighborhood where we boys played outdoor basketball on St Joe's court, or where it was safe for me to play in the dirt with my toy soldiers and matchbox cars when I was 7. 

We don't have to live apart in McMansions which are furniture poor. No, just a bit of sharing and caring is what makes any neighborhood worth staying in. A neighborhood where it's safe to ride our bikes as Jan and I did for years for a little exercise. Or walking the sidewalks around the blocks commenting to each other on what looked nice about the yards landscapes and their outside facades, and the efforts by their owners to "keep them up" like we also kept up our house and property.

A Neighborhood Watch volunteer component that I belonged to for years sponsored by our Hamilton police brought a sense of community and safety. Or the McGruff safehouse program originated around town by Janet and friends in the 80's to provide safehavens for lost or latchkey children. The township even gave her a public award at Septemberfest our huge annual communityfest, attended and enjoyed by thousands, similar to Trenton's Heritage Days Festival that came later. 

Or how about the block parties we had in my Ewing Township neighborhood off Scotch Road as a kid. Us kids runnin' 'round happy, with small vendor booths for great hotdogs and hamburgers and Italian sausage and peppers, as well as animal-looking balloons and candy corn.

And none of this costs much, not much at all. A little volunteering, cooperation and friendliness.

That's all.

Surely we can make our neighborhoods great and open to all again, like the thousands doing it today in big cities or small towns everywhere in America.
Oh what fun it would be to visit all those block parties and meet good people!

Do you have a neighborhood story to share?

Best, Rod
Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
My poetic memoir Episodes available at   
Check it out at no obligation or Subscribe to this Blog (at bottom of this page) or thru NetVibes (see right side). Both free of course, thanks to Blogger by Microsoft...

Friday, June 13, 2014

What's There to Like . . .

Today's Blog is a smattering of thoughts and opinions, emotions and likes, for a white 64 (64! as of May 1st),  year-old middle class guy like me. Go to the very bottom of today's Blog to email me your comments, opinions for free. A regular subscription thru Netvibes is also free.

1. The Internet: Everything. Used it thoroughly at my State of NJ job since it became commonplace    in the early 90's as the World Wide Web. Took to it greedily and easily;

2. Google: Most stuff, like most satisfying searches, since finding my fav Wikipedia or Wiki entries on first page of results. Easier for my tastes than Chrome, whose poor Tab system I have never understood even after trying. My wife Janet uses Chrome exclusively;

3. Computers - I love almost everything about them, from operating IBM's 360 256k mainframe in the '70s to the IBM 370 models years later, and bigger;

4. Email - Using MS-outlook at work exclusively for 10 years plus, great. loved the labeling and file system, able to save emails by category/topic easily. The same now with Gmail, probably the same in Yahoo, others. "When find a good thing, stick with it," Janet and I say. Perhaps even too long like the XP OS, but finding Windows 7 fantastic after re-adapting;

5. MS-Word - I guess I'm a Pro with it, writing a novel and all, Episodes in 2012. But it's quirky, quirky. Often frustrating cause can't format and space my words and sentences exactly as I'd always like to. But everything has limitations until fixed in the next version. Thank God twice for upward compatibility!

6. MS-Excel - love it, so easy with */+-= so simple for formulas. The copy and auto update based on relationship so functional;

7. Blogger/blogspot - I have two blogs here. A Blessed Life in America I started 124 blogs ago. Good Ideas for New Jersey, started earlier than that, my first foray into blogging on my own - speaking out with thoughts, logic, illogic, opinions - so much freedom to be me! Yet a cautious public me tho, in a way, not wanting to piss off people except the bastards doin' stupid stuff like murderin' poor people without means to defend themselves, killing and maiming innocents without their own guns or elected officials to fight back, to change dumb laws, to make society better, and to promote human rights. Thank goodness for our hundreds of social orgs like Amnesty Intnl, Red Cross etc;

8. Online Webinars and webisodes - Ah, how many hours spent here, both at work abnd now at home since retired. I have an excel sheet of dozens of webinars on Energy, IT, etc since being retired in 2009. a real boon to education and spreading knowledge, now matter-of-fact like Univ of Arizona online courses et al;

9. Writing Prose - So easy in Word Perfect which I learned early on at OTIS in '85, then thankfully (?) switching to the business bandwagon with MS-Word;

10. Writing poetry - I count the spaces as well as letters and words when i write poetry, puncuation counts equally as much, like EE Cummings. To me it must read and sound and look perfect back to me to be complete;

11. Teaching - The Faith, memoir classes, procurement classes: Delegated Purchase Authority to our clerks/buyers in Admin Division and how to write a Waiver of Advertising for state agency CIO's;

12. Public Speaking - Never afraid - the first fear of most Americans. So what if i say something wrong if pointed out I'll readily admit and find out the facts, or agree with the dissenter if logical. Besides, Jan told me its not what I say that's so important as the tone and pitch and smile or frown on my face, and what my arms are doin' to add emphasis. That's why I like exclamation points in my writings. its okay to express absolute joy!

13. Learning - I want to be a sponge. I am a sponge, but can't remember for long any words spoken. I must take extensive almost verbatim notes for my mind to wrap around and remember the words, concepts and speaker's important points. That's worked well for me so far I think, w/out filling my brain's storage units with useless trivia, even tho I love that also;

14. Marriage - The one and only institution created for free love and limitless sexual enjoyment (ah, when both partners agree of course). my own, 43 years of happy and together for 43 years as of yesterday 6/12/2014, 46 years altogether together;

14. Kids and grandkids - My real physical purpose in life, even adoption. parenting is a one-of-a-kind learning and doing experience, thinking outside of my own needs and wants and puttiong that little human first out of love not just necessity. a joy if we have the necessary prosperity everyone needs to make it work out best.

So what kind of things do you like about life, your life, what life is offering? What you can afford?

Tomorrow's Blog maybe: What's there to dislike . . .

Best, Rod
Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
My poetic memoir Episodes available at   
Check it out at no obligation or Subscribe to this Blog (at bottom of this page) or thru NetVibes (see right side). both, everything free of course, thanks to Blogger by Microsoft...

Sunday, June 8, 2014

You Know You're manic When . . . Part One of . . .

Part I: Top Ten Reasons You Know You're Manic . . .

1. You care less about anyone or anything else in this whole wide world and know that you've got all the solutions to people's personal problems, government's problems, street pothole problems, the upheaval in educational testing and standards, tapping a jar lid off of a pickles bottle - any and all of it. Each one of the world's problems. Personal problems and advice are only a tad more difficult to develop for you. Ugh! If only the President and Congress would listen!

2. You tell your psych what medications and dosages you should be taking, at what times, and with what liquids. I personally like caffeine free Pepsi or Diet Iced Tea from Acme. 

3. You were sent by God as described in the Gospel of St. John 14:26. You know you are, without doubt (your reader would say "I think" instead of know. How could he know?). This  is without question, foreordained. You are the "Counselor" spoken of by His Lord Jesus Christ: 

"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."

[This thought has occurred to me a dozen times over the years. and I can remember it when "normal." That's how I could write my book Episodes.]

3. You pick out your house key from its chain ring to lock your car door. It happens more often when "not" manic so you're either hypomanic, or just plain confused/mixed-up all the freakin' time. Stupid in other words. Your mate sees these faults and thinks ?!Gj$/? "He must be manic."

4. You could take any words from Michael Jackson's Beat It song and apply them to what you want to be and do. 

5. You are detached from everyone and everything in this world by miles, but stay in the moment like Herman Hesse's Siddhartha.        You can/will become, are becoming, perfect, supremely capable and confident. 

6. It's your mission, to be Like God and do things as God would do them. After all that’s His image He gave You!          Then there's more perfect where he unites You with His Son in the next spiritual world -  that’s the perfect "world" to You.

7. You write "Now I want to have another fucking cigarette", even though you had one 10 minutes ago when you started typing these reasons.

8. Instead of smoking 8 Salem 100s a day you're smoking 16 Marlboro longs.

9. You could run a Corporation with 4000 employees and 20 divisions based on all your ideas for a company that you're having right this minute. In fact, you wrote 13 pages completely fleshed out titled "My Corporation" in 1979 while on your way to a full flip-out ending in hospital for a month. 

And . . . drum roll please . . .

Number 10. 
 During your episode you disagree mentally with your perfect wife who does know what's best for you, even when you've agreed to commit yourself into a mental institution with her simple words, "Rod, let's find you help. I think Princeton House is a good place for you."Especially since being manic you always know what's best. not only for you but everyone else too.

Disclaimer: These Top Ten reasons are Rodney Richards' tongue-in-check thoughts and are representations based on the personal manic experiences of the author. 

Part one of five Parts. Each part with Top 10 Reasons You Know You're Manic . . . 

Best, Rod
Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
My poetic memoir Episodes available at   
Check it out at no obligation or Subscribe to this Blog for free thru NetVibes or by email (see bottom of this page).

Saturday, June 7, 2014

A man, a plan, a canal - Panama!

This lovely little memorable phrase is a palindrome referring          (I think), to George W. Goethels, one of a handful of its Chief Engineers. The canal was started in 1881 by France but halted due to disease and mortalities, taken over by the U.S. in 1904 and completed in 1914. Nearby Goethels Bridge to/from Staten Island is familiar - on one early trip in the '80s our family traversed it 3 times in one hour, confused by poor signs as to which way to go.

I mention palindromes because they spell the same words backwards as forwards, kinda like DaVinci's mirror writing.  I'd have fun as a kid in Sister Charlie's 6th grade class writing country names backwards, like A-C-I-R-E-M-A. Fun huh? Another example is Dogma: I Am God, which is close to my heart having believed it for Myself when fully manic years ago. Medications have helped clear my mind of the mania since, but I'm not sure what clears out dogma. It seems it's only being replaced with newer dogma.

From Reverend Doctor Martin Luthor King Junior's church sermons, to the 1954 Civil Rights Act, more laws followed, hearts began changing, social norms and stereotypes changing, morphing into human rights for everyone around the world, such as Gandhi had led before King. An example of a dream becoming reality, a huge dream becoming even a more amazing universal reality. Harder than changin' lead to gold, I think. Harder than changin' letters into words and then into palindromes.

It seems to me the inventors start with an idea, maybe an image. It may sit for months or years or they begin tinkering immediately. They wake with or form a dream, a goal. And if strong enuff, if driven and motivated enuff, thru their hard work and effort, with help or no, fortuity or no, it probably becomes reality - if not now then in a similar form in the near future, or even at the same time by someone else halfway around the world.

Like the 17th century formation of calculus by Newton, Leibniz and others, or solo -- like flying machines improving from Kitty Hawk's Wright Flyer I to the size of Jumbo 747-8Is carrying 460+ people passengers. 

What's the point? 

We're all each and every one of us on a journey of discovery baby, with side trips to reality as we see it, not only possible but probable.

Best, Rod
Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
My poetic memoir Episodes available at   
Check it out at no obligation