Friday, June 13, 2014

What's There to Like . . .

Today's Blog is a smattering of thoughts and opinions, emotions and likes, for a white 64 (64! as of May 1st),  year-old middle class guy like me. Go to the very bottom of today's Blog to email me your comments, opinions for free. A regular subscription thru Netvibes is also free.

1. The Internet: Everything. Used it thoroughly at my State of NJ job since it became commonplace    in the early 90's as the World Wide Web. Took to it greedily and easily;

2. Google: Most stuff, like most satisfying searches, since finding my fav Wikipedia or Wiki entries on first page of results. Easier for my tastes than Chrome, whose poor Tab system I have never understood even after trying. My wife Janet uses Chrome exclusively;

3. Computers - I love almost everything about them, from operating IBM's 360 256k mainframe in the '70s to the IBM 370 models years later, and bigger;

4. Email - Using MS-outlook at work exclusively for 10 years plus, great. loved the labeling and file system, able to save emails by category/topic easily. The same now with Gmail, probably the same in Yahoo, others. "When find a good thing, stick with it," Janet and I say. Perhaps even too long like the XP OS, but finding Windows 7 fantastic after re-adapting;

5. MS-Word - I guess I'm a Pro with it, writing a novel and all, Episodes in 2012. But it's quirky, quirky. Often frustrating cause can't format and space my words and sentences exactly as I'd always like to. But everything has limitations until fixed in the next version. Thank God twice for upward compatibility!

6. MS-Excel - love it, so easy with */+-= so simple for formulas. The copy and auto update based on relationship so functional;

7. Blogger/blogspot - I have two blogs here. A Blessed Life in America I started 124 blogs ago. Good Ideas for New Jersey, started earlier than that, my first foray into blogging on my own - speaking out with thoughts, logic, illogic, opinions - so much freedom to be me! Yet a cautious public me tho, in a way, not wanting to piss off people except the bastards doin' stupid stuff like murderin' poor people without means to defend themselves, killing and maiming innocents without their own guns or elected officials to fight back, to change dumb laws, to make society better, and to promote human rights. Thank goodness for our hundreds of social orgs like Amnesty Intnl, Red Cross etc;

8. Online Webinars and webisodes - Ah, how many hours spent here, both at work abnd now at home since retired. I have an excel sheet of dozens of webinars on Energy, IT, etc since being retired in 2009. a real boon to education and spreading knowledge, now matter-of-fact like Univ of Arizona online courses et al;

9. Writing Prose - So easy in Word Perfect which I learned early on at OTIS in '85, then thankfully (?) switching to the business bandwagon with MS-Word;

10. Writing poetry - I count the spaces as well as letters and words when i write poetry, puncuation counts equally as much, like EE Cummings. To me it must read and sound and look perfect back to me to be complete;

11. Teaching - The Faith, memoir classes, procurement classes: Delegated Purchase Authority to our clerks/buyers in Admin Division and how to write a Waiver of Advertising for state agency CIO's;

12. Public Speaking - Never afraid - the first fear of most Americans. So what if i say something wrong if pointed out I'll readily admit and find out the facts, or agree with the dissenter if logical. Besides, Jan told me its not what I say that's so important as the tone and pitch and smile or frown on my face, and what my arms are doin' to add emphasis. That's why I like exclamation points in my writings. its okay to express absolute joy!

13. Learning - I want to be a sponge. I am a sponge, but can't remember for long any words spoken. I must take extensive almost verbatim notes for my mind to wrap around and remember the words, concepts and speaker's important points. That's worked well for me so far I think, w/out filling my brain's storage units with useless trivia, even tho I love that also;

14. Marriage - The one and only institution created for free love and limitless sexual enjoyment (ah, when both partners agree of course). my own, 43 years of happy and together for 43 years as of yesterday 6/12/2014, 46 years altogether together;

14. Kids and grandkids - My real physical purpose in life, even adoption. parenting is a one-of-a-kind learning and doing experience, thinking outside of my own needs and wants and puttiong that little human first out of love not just necessity. a joy if we have the necessary prosperity everyone needs to make it work out best.

So what kind of things do you like about life, your life, what life is offering? What you can afford?

Tomorrow's Blog maybe: What's there to dislike . . .

Best, Rod
Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
My poetic memoir Episodes available at   
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