Sunday, June 8, 2014

You Know You're manic When . . . Part One of . . .

Part I: Top Ten Reasons You Know You're Manic . . .

1. You care less about anyone or anything else in this whole wide world and know that you've got all the solutions to people's personal problems, government's problems, street pothole problems, the upheaval in educational testing and standards, tapping a jar lid off of a pickles bottle - any and all of it. Each one of the world's problems. Personal problems and advice are only a tad more difficult to develop for you. Ugh! If only the President and Congress would listen!

2. You tell your psych what medications and dosages you should be taking, at what times, and with what liquids. I personally like caffeine free Pepsi or Diet Iced Tea from Acme. 

3. You were sent by God as described in the Gospel of St. John 14:26. You know you are, without doubt (your reader would say "I think" instead of know. How could he know?). This  is without question, foreordained. You are the "Counselor" spoken of by His Lord Jesus Christ: 

"But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."

[This thought has occurred to me a dozen times over the years. and I can remember it when "normal." That's how I could write my book Episodes.]

3. You pick out your house key from its chain ring to lock your car door. It happens more often when "not" manic so you're either hypomanic, or just plain confused/mixed-up all the freakin' time. Stupid in other words. Your mate sees these faults and thinks ?!Gj$/? "He must be manic."

4. You could take any words from Michael Jackson's Beat It song and apply them to what you want to be and do. 

5. You are detached from everyone and everything in this world by miles, but stay in the moment like Herman Hesse's Siddhartha.        You can/will become, are becoming, perfect, supremely capable and confident. 

6. It's your mission, to be Like God and do things as God would do them. After all that’s His image He gave You!          Then there's more perfect where he unites You with His Son in the next spiritual world -  that’s the perfect "world" to You.

7. You write "Now I want to have another fucking cigarette", even though you had one 10 minutes ago when you started typing these reasons.

8. Instead of smoking 8 Salem 100s a day you're smoking 16 Marlboro longs.

9. You could run a Corporation with 4000 employees and 20 divisions based on all your ideas for a company that you're having right this minute. In fact, you wrote 13 pages completely fleshed out titled "My Corporation" in 1979 while on your way to a full flip-out ending in hospital for a month. 

And . . . drum roll please . . .

Number 10. 
 During your episode you disagree mentally with your perfect wife who does know what's best for you, even when you've agreed to commit yourself into a mental institution with her simple words, "Rod, let's find you help. I think Princeton House is a good place for you."Especially since being manic you always know what's best. not only for you but everyone else too.

Disclaimer: These Top Ten reasons are Rodney Richards' tongue-in-check thoughts and are representations based on the personal manic experiences of the author. 

Part one of five Parts. Each part with Top 10 Reasons You Know You're Manic . . . 

Best, Rod
Surviving Bipolar Disorder in the modern age . . . a journey of Hope for the afflicted.
My poetic memoir Episodes available at   
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