Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Joy of Could Be

It could be that . . .

Coffee at 7-11 at 2 a.m. was fresh, not mud.

ATMs only charged $1 instead of $2.50, if not your bank.

Education is universally recognized and respected as the highest profession.

Teachers were respected and paid better, not laid off when they got their Masters Degree.

Every single job had a sheet of duties and responsibilities given to the employee prior to being hired or promoted.

"A Chance to Win an . . . Ipod, Cash, a trip etc." told you the odds of winning before entering.

American laws at the local ordinance, State and Federal levels, were categorized by subject, written in English, simplified and easy to understand, and available on the web. (There are more than 40,000 laws I've heard).

Every municipality and government organization has a website, in fact every company, non-profit etc. all have one too. Governmental semi-detailed budgets are shown online before being passed.

You can review/print dated vendor Terms and Conditions before "Accepting" them.

New bills (potential laws at every level of government) were put up on the web first, as NJ does at

No more "Free trials" that require you to "automatically" pay within 14 days, i.e. give your credit card info. "Free" means 100% free. (Smart companies are doing this with an "Opt-in" later.)

All, I mean all, purchases showing the words "One Time Charge," or "Recurring Charge" next to every purchase transaction, retail or online, wherever.

Every business accepting cash or credit cards showing the order cost before the purchase, like cash registers do. This can be printable or saved, automatically cancelled in ten days if no action.

Every purchase must give, have, a written receipt, printable at the time of the transaction if online, followed by an email copy,  and must have a case or order number and be tracked/trackable printed on the reciept.

More cars had pinstripes from the factory (I like them).

Mankind and society recognize the sacredness of the sperm impregnating the egg: science and all religions (I think), recognize life begins at conception, but society is not yet organized enough to provide universal, easy and careful adoptions or healthy and loving baby/child care.

Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues and is taught from from an early age at home and in every classroom.

A courteous and honest, hardworking and peaceful child/youth/adult is more valued by society than fancy education and wealth.

Everyone has enough wealth to live a peaceful life with gainful employment; home/apartment, food, education, clothing and the necessities of life like clean water and air.

We attack, now, our greatest problems -- poverty; poor food supplies and overfishing, waste; lack of adequate dental and health care; and climate change. 

Defense spending is cut so that money is available for natural disasters like fires, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, mud slides, droughts, tsunamis and others.

All men held doors open for females or children.

Those who voted more than once or twice to repeal the Affordable Care Act are stripped of their free  health benefits.

Anyone receiving a pension must be vested at least ten years, including politicians and political appointees (judges etc.) and its illegal to fire someone (without valid cause), close to being vested unless company goes out of business, or government goes bankrupt. Even then, everyone pays a few dollars into Social Security and gets that and partial retirement income from years served and wages paid in, even if lump sum.

Luxury taxes are paid on anything over $50k, and no inheritance tax on anything under $500k, but tiered taxes after that not to exceed 10% to social services/the government.

What are some of your "Could be's?" 

By Rodney Richards, NJ

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